The following may be your expectations and they are perfect;do not be afraid: speak out; although we may be yelling at you for things which may not be appropriate behavoiur, you have all the right to not get intimadated by our actions.
- Don't shout at us:it humilates us,
- Don't scold us; we get frightened,
- Don't ask us about study:we are doing it as per our capability,capacity & convinience ,
- Don't ask us about quantity/quality of food we get:it's proper in quantity/quality.
We believe that the following are your expectations: for things to be bought for us / home.Please specifiy the period within which it should be bought.
- Personal desktop PC or laptop,
- Any improvement gadgets for PC/laptop? ,
- Personal music system ,
- Increase in money allowance;how much?,
- Big screen TV;probabaly Plasma or LCD or Projector,
- A car for family: new or second-hand; any particular brand/model?
What are your expectations about money/investment?
- Should more percentage of money (income) be invested or consumed?,
- Do you believe in investing more than consumption so that the future can be better?,
- Do you feel that money should be saved or invested for higher education of children? ,
- Do you believe in improvement or investment in human being?...I mean spending more for qualitative improvement of a human being:here yourself?,
- Would you like to do certain courses that will empower yourself to face life ahead?,
- Any other expectations not listed above?