Wednesday, November 21, 2007

who am I? v.2

In a solitude I question myself, "Why can't I stick to one subject or profession?"
As I said earlier, not a single activity alone I could feel at ease with. I have always experienced void when I have acquired knowledge of a particular subject....I am like that....some authors have labelled person like me as a Scanner, a person with interest in many things...many people have such interest,but Scanner is different in sense that he would like to taste the subject,so he go on acquiring knowledge or he wants to know more about that thing.
However, his interest seems to be limited to knowing that thing and most often once that quest is satisfied, he seems to be no more interested in that subject...and he is back to square one....So what is the next?...that is his quest!
Life is like single thing alone can interest you. I want to experience many many roles, put on many hats. People ask me where this life will lead me to....
I have to pause for a while ...first to listen to you and understand the question...what you wish to know...
It could lead me to public life dealing with society...may be getting associated with an NGO or something similar or getting in to politics....
...or it could lead me on the path of some spiritual duty...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

who am I ?

I have studied Economics,Psychology as my undergraduate majors; studied Sociology,Investment Management as my graduate majors; pondered with subjets like Futurology & Environmnet Management for my Post-Graduate study.
However, my heart could not be touched by one of these subjects alone; I have felt that all are part of me and to be practicising one of this subject alone could be feeling of incompleteness. And it is trrue that branding one as an Economist,Psychologist,Sociologist is a frail attept to put him in a narrow confinement , like in a pigeon-hole.
I must admit that for my day to day living I may be playing a part here and there as an investment analyst or investor,when you are evaluating a company or a mutual fund;psychologist and/or Sociologist when you are watching somebody and trying to analyse somebody's behaviour. However, life is not so compartment-tight.
Instead I see myself as a man or human being first and I would not like to categorise myself in any stereo-types. Call me a generalist or better call me a comoner. I am what I am ...sucking honey from beautiful flowers...experiencing many things from life and enjoying good things amongst them.
I am a mortal man having many desires and one of them is to transcend all the desires.