Sunday, June 15, 2008

Physical Excercise

My physician has advised me to take a brisk walk and not do weight training exercises due to some of my health related problems. She added that I take a walk during evening also besides the morning walk.

Earlier I was not a regular walker. But since 22nd April, 2008, I am very much regular, as far as my walking exercise is concerned. I ensure that I have atleast 1, 5 to 6 km walk. So, on most of the days I walk briskly for 10 to 12 km.

It has really helped me in weight reduction and other situations.

On 21st april 2008, my physician's weighing machine was winking at me with 90 kg and today morning weighing machine at my home was smiling with cool 81 kg.

I know that my target should be 72-73 kg, given my height, 171 cm (and a broad frame), but why not celebrate this small victory!

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