Thursday, February 07, 2008

firing in the bush

We have been sitting like carpenters,masons, with all our tools on a high street waiting for a customer to arrive....the only difference being our tools are called high tech or knowlege tools.

For example, my family has a laptop with (unlimited usage) data card, another laptop with a mobile modem; a desktop with high speed connections from 2 different vendors, webcams, printer & scanner, GPRS on 2 phones,and what not.

The question is where is the content? what are we doing? are we expert enough to offer a solution (except acting as a data-entry operator or secretary or typist)? or create a product? a concept that can be explored further and will build network around you?

I think we do not have enough subject domain knowledge and instead we are simply firing in the bush. These are the gadgets that we have gathered in this digital age whereby we spend all our free time instead of spending it with our family.

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