Friday, January 13, 2006

Konkan Backwaters-II

25th December2005

Only Backwaters

This was a day we were looking for as most of the particpants had come to have experience of Backwaters only. I have visited Kerala for official work on many occasion but not been to Kerala Backwaters which I would love to do.

On the second day we were a bit late to start. We had to travel 90 km to Tarkarli, Chiplun for boarding engine boat for Backwater experience.Here, we were welcomed by members of Chiplun Nagarpalika (Municipal Corporation).All Chiplunkars are looking forward to have Konkan a developed tourist destination and dreaming of developing Backwater tourism.

Here we are proceeding towards the boat.

In the boats......

A beautiful house on the river bank...

Barges digging out sand...

Lot of crocodiles resting on the river fact it was a "crocodile spotting" sport!

S.N.Pendse's famous Marathi novel " TUMBADCHE KHOT" has been swirled around this house in Tumbad, which is on the banks of Jagbudi River.

Beautiful scenery on the bank of Jagbudi River touching Tumbad...

A Konkan Railway train passing by...

We had a great time at Tumbad. We were welcomed by Tumbadites with flowers.We had a very nice breakfast at lunch time (Brunch)... bhakris(rotis),jawla(babelets of prawns),thalipits...Thereafter we had a nice informal discussion with the Khot shet on whom S.N.Pense based his famous novel.He told us about how S.N.Pense came to know about Tumbad and also how he made Tumbad exportable!

We then proceeded to Maldoli by boat for lunch and had a heavy lunch at Tea time around 4 p.m. A cultural program was also arranged but as we were very late only one piece of folk dance was presented.

A traditional Zakdi folk dance...

We set for Dabhol at around 5:30 p.m. All were sad that we would be missing further backwater experience from Maldoli to Dabhol as we were late. Reached Dabhol at 8 p.m. and our day ended with dinner at around 10 p.m.

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